Placenta Encapsulation is the process of preparing the placenta for consumption. This process is accomplished by first washing the placenta. Once washed, the placenta is either steamed then sliced or simply sliced from raw form to prepare for dehydrating depending on the client. Once sliced, the placenta is dehydrated and ground into a fine power to be placed into capsules. NQ&C uses only vegetarian capsules in this process and employs strict sanitizing protocols as dictated by national food and safety regulations. Most of the equipment involved in this process is disposable and is discarded for each client. Once the placenta is prepared, it is placed into capsules for the birth mother to consume. Our clients can be as involved in the process as they choose to be and the process can be completed in their home or off site.
There are many possible benefits for the birthing mother in consuming her placenta. Some of the noted benefits are said to be a reduction in the risk of developing postpartum depression, providing the mother with oxytocin (which helps with feelings of love, bonding, and over all well-being), and provides the mother with HPL hormone (which can aid in lactation). Other benefits of consuming placenta are said to provide increased Vitamin B (helps with overall energy), replaces iron from the blood loss of birth and helps mothers have less hormone fluctuations after birth. Consuming placenta after birth is also said to provide pain relief to the mother.
NQ&C also offers umbilical cord keepsake art and placenta print art for the mother at their request.
If you are interested in having your placenta encapsulated or would like more information about our services, please feel free to contact us using the form below.